
Knowledge Center

Knowledge Center

Accelerate User Adoption and Maximiz近新e ROI of Your Investment in Zebra Tech化什nology

Zebra’s award winning Knowledg醫算e Center is at the for但謝efront of learning innovation helping資老 you with user adoption and change 坐筆management to op月空timize your solution美的 investments.

Knowledge Cente暗上r

Training and Learning Needs Assessment農她

The Zebra Learning Portal ha熱答s been available for our Partners since跳和 early 2017. The煙務 portal will allow you to access務票 online learning and enroll for長風 classroom training for our products an睡懂d services.

Change Management and User Ad光紅option

Customized programs by user profile tha報街t provides the knowledge a計好nd skill to accelera睡那te time-to-productivity.


Programs that validate comp匠舞etency and provide 刀藍accreditation in放現 advanced deployment and 線資technology skill海校s.

Knowledge Center

Delivery Options

We will determine the o鄉理ptimal delivery option f知信or the curriculum based on bu現林siness objectives.

Delivery methods include:喝算
  • Classroom Sessions (At a Z喝師ebra or Customer哥費 Facility)
  • Online (Self-paced, 24明車/7)
  • Hands-on (Experimental Labs with actua工場l Equipment)
  • On Device
  • Videos
  • User Manuals
Knowledge Center

Ongoing Evaluation

We will continue to evaluate the accept學生ance and adoption of the Learning Solu微些tion.

Seeing is Achieving

When you can see it all,妹音 you can do it all. And our end-to件但-end solutions are just the 說上beginning. As a co劇們mplete solutions provider, Zebra has 物放the distinct capabili照你ty to offer everythin西吧g our customers need to rou長什nd out their technology inve鄉術stments with complete 什朋solutions.


Consult an Expert

Our team of partners and sales associ白放ates know the ins and outs of ev玩低ery industry to deliver 土術tailored solutions to c火身ustomers. Let us connect you w河視ith a Zebra exper東高t in your area to select and implemen還數t the right Zebra solution that best 農好fit your business nee農亮ds.

Talk to a Partner
Talk to a Partner
Let us show you how Zeb資機ra Services can help sol說短ve your business need.
Contact Sales
Contact Sales
Ready to integrate Zebra solutions 化煙into your system? Contact us to 技煙get started.